I am involved with a global project called Sharing Global Perspectives and the essence of the project is about learning and highlighting the lived experiences of 2020.
It was started by a doctor in Scotland who partnered with the Cynefin Centre and others. I am the local Lead for Canada. We are collecting stories/ experiences of people from around the world related to 2020. It is a global project that allows people to tell their story from their own perspective and then index their story to allow for a deeper level of meaning (Sensemaker software was used).
Participation will mean something different for everyone, so the “why” of the project varies:
- Gives deeper insight and reflection of our own experiences
- Provides a space to heal by sharing
- Allows for insight, empathy and compassion into others
- Empowers communities to reflect on the true narrative of their community
- Provides anthropological insight into the individual impact of 2020
- Allows for wider insight into the system as a whole for better decision making
- Gives an opportunity to see the present narrative and deep understanding of communities
- Results in a time capsule of a crux point in history
- Provides insight around the SDGs to support future research
The platform will be open access, so anyone in the world will be able to look at the stories/data. As indicated, it will provide some amazing insight for research, community development, policy initiatives, and learning in general. All submissions are anonymous and it takes approximately 5-15 minutes to complete.
More information is available here: https://c19globalperspectives.com
Thank you all so much!
Kindest regards,
Cindy Russell
CASAE Co-Representative – Atlantic Region
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