News Updates

CAUCE Call for Research Grant Proposals!

The CAUCE Research Fund supports projects where the outcomes are likely to have direct relevance to and broad applicability within the practice of university continuing education in Canada. The Research and Scholarship Committee is open to proposals from any relevant...

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CASAE Graduate Student Network

CASAE Graduate Student Network

All of you are very welcome here! Title: CASAE Graduate Student NetworkDate & Time: Wednesday, April 7th, 2021 at 10AM (PST), 1PM (EST) Zoom link will be sent to the registrants Please register at...

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Sharing Global Perspectives

I am involved with a global project called Sharing Global Perspectives and the essence of the project is about learning and highlighting the lived experiences of 2020. It was started by a doctor in Scotland who partnered with the Cynefin Centre and others. I am the...

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CJSAE – Call for Editor-In-Chief

CJSAE – Call for Editor-In-Chief

The Canadian Journal for the Study of Adult Education (CJSAE) is the official publication of the Canadian Association for the Study of Adult Education (CASAE). CJSAE is a refereed journal published twice annually with original reports of research, perspective...

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2021 CASAE Graduate Students Network

2021 CASAE Graduate Students Network

Canadian Association for the Study of Adult Education (CASAE) Graduate Students Network Date: Wednesday, February 3rd, 2021Time: 10:00AM (PST), 1:00PM (EST)How to register: Zoom link will be sent to registrants' emails.

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in memoriam – Paul F. Armstrong

in memoriam – Paul F. Armstrong

In memoriam - Paul F. Armstrong Paul F. Armstrong: a short appreciation of a generous life By Linden West I and many colleagues were sad to learn of the death of a dear colleague Dr Paul Armstrong, on the 31st May 2020, during the Coronavirus pandemic. Paul was a...

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Adult Learning in “Post-Truth Society”

Adult Learning in “Post-Truth Society”

Many of you might be interested in viewing the video of a lecture given last week (June 2017) at UBC by Dr. Shirley Walters entitled “Adult Learning in a ‘post-truth society’? . Shirley was the keynote speaker for the 2017 Paz and Knute Buttedahl Memorial...

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Dr.Thomas Mark Turay

Dr.Thomas Mark Turay

Dr. Thomas Mark Turay, died suddenly September 6, 2015 in Sierra Leone. “Dr. Peace”, as he was known to his friends and colleagues, was elected as a Member of Parliament in Sierra Leone, West Africa in 2012. Thomas joined the Coady Institute in 2000, bringing with him...

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Alumni Horizon Award

Alumni Horizon Award

The University of Alberta Alumni Association is pleased to announce Dr. Kristopher Wells will receive an Alumni Horizon Award for his advocacy for sexual and gender minority youth on Thursday, Sept. 24, at the annual Alumni Awards ceremony. Dr. Wells is a member of...

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About Us

CASAE/ACÉÉA has played an active role in advocating adult education as a field of study and practice at both national and international levels.

Contact Info

260 Dalhousie Street
Suite 204
Ottawa, Ontario K1N 7E4

Telephone: (613) 241.0018
Fax: (613) 241.0019

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